Product direction / Creative direction / UX & UI design
Design & build a member engagement app
I was Product & Creative Director at McClennan Group for this pilot communication program for Humana.
19 months
Oct 2020 - May 2022
Oct 2020 - May 2022
Product Director & Creative Lead

How might we improve patient engagement and preventative treatments
Humana is measured on patient satisfaction and value of care through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Stars Program. Humana's Stars Team was looking for new ways to improve patient engagement, satisfaction, and annual compliance with preventative chronic condition treatments.

App interface: building a purpose statement
To better personalize communications, we took members through a purpose statement building exercise that gave us a meaningful dataset of their talents, passions, values, goals, and where they want to make and impact. This exercise is very helpful in enabling users to visualize their “purpose” and gave us invaluable insight to their personas.

App interface: weekly “tracks”
Based on client provided data (claims, chronic conditions, medication adherence, etc.), member-provided persona data and self reporting, and social determinants of health (SDoH) data, we created regular “tracks” — communications personalized to support the member and encourage healthy behaviors. The Humana team gave us several specific compliance measures they were most interested in improving so we focused communications around these measures.

KPI Dashboard
We developed a tracking dashboard to measure real-time track performance and long-term compliance impact on preventative screenings. We achieved an 84% completion rate on the purpose statement building exercise, and Humana achieved improvements in all member compliance measures — from 2.7% in adult BMI assessment to 26.9% in breast cancer screenings.
Helping members live well
This project focused on achieving measurable results through communications to members. It offered a great opportunity for me to learn more about data sharing, TCPA regulations and content creation. Data presents interesting challenges from timeliness to structure. I also learned a lot about the legal requirements around communicating with Medicare group members.
I loved working on this project. It was rewarding to work on a product for seniors, especially in the time of Covid and in an age of loneliness in the elderly. The Humana team was collaborative, excited by the opportunity, and a lot of fun to work with. Creating educational tools and tips for managing seniors’ health and wellness is especially meaningful to me having two senior parents, one struggling with Parkinson’s and the other with caregiving. I hope that more organizations will take this approach to getting to know and helping their clients.
I loved working on this project. It was rewarding to work on a product for seniors, especially in the time of Covid and in an age of loneliness in the elderly. The Humana team was collaborative, excited by the opportunity, and a lot of fun to work with. Creating educational tools and tips for managing seniors’ health and wellness is especially meaningful to me having two senior parents, one struggling with Parkinson’s and the other with caregiving. I hope that more organizations will take this approach to getting to know and helping their clients.